Monthly Archives: April 2020

28 posts

Sense and Nonsense in Folktales

Do you always do what your parents tell you to do? Here is a story about a boy named Jack who does exactly what his mother says to do – but with unexpected consequences! The version read here is an English folktale collected by Joseph Jacobs in the 19th century, […]

Buzz Goes the Nursery Rhyme

Bees and nursery rhymes are a great combination! Use the rhymes to teach your little one about the good things bees do, along with teaching them about numbers, counting, and increasing vocabulary. Bee BUZZ! goes the bee, Hour after hour, BUZZ! goes the bee From flower to flower. Sucking out […]

Treasure Hunt Printing

Go on a treasure hunt at your house to see what objects you can find that might make cool marks with paint. I found a drinking straw, a binder clip, toilet paper and paper towel tubes (empty, of course), bottle caps, and a paper clip. Some suggestions to consider hunting […]

Of Nursery Rhymes and Spiders and Things

One of the most popular children’s songs in the world is the classic “Itsy Bitsy Spider.” Its first reference in print was in a book in the USA in 1910, but if you’re wondering why we sometimes hear “Eensy Weensy” or “Incy Wincy” it’s because of the song’s popularity in […]