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100 Books Before High School Graduation!

Challenge yourself to read 100 books before you graduate high school! We are so sure you can do it, we’ll give you prizes as you read more books!


Why would I sign up for this? In addition to getting some fun prizes, reading for pleasure can:

  • Help cure boredom
  • Result in higher test scores by building a strong vocabulary, greater use of grammatical structure, and improved writing style
  • Reduce stress
  • Increase social skills

Who is the challenge for? Open to students ages 12-17 at time of registration (it’s ok if you turn 18 while in HS before you complete the challenge).

100 books seems like a lot. How will I have time to read that many? It’s a marathon, not a sprint! We don’t expect you to complete this program in a week, a month, or even a year. Remem­ber that you can read anything you want including audio­books, nonfiction, graph­ic nov­els, and man­ga. Enjoy the process, find books you love to read, and have fun!

What are the prizes? Every 20 books you read, you earn a fun prize!

  • 20 books – packet of fun stickers
  • 40 books – a magnetic bookmark
  • 60 books – free book of your choice
  • 80 books – free journal of your choice
  • 100 books – Gift bag with another free book of your choice, some cute sticky notes, a multi-color pen, choice of a previous prize and a choice of a tasty treat! (The Teen Librarian will contact you to ask for your snack of choice)
  • You can also get some special bookmarks just for signing up for the challenge!

How do I sign up? With the Beanstack app. If you already have an account with Beanstack from Winter or Summer Reading, use that account. If not, making an account is easy. You just need a library card!

When do I sign up? Sign up at any time, and read at your own pace.  You may only be able to fit in a page a night, but you’ll get there!

Can I use the same book more than once on my log if I re-read it? No, while we encour­age re-read­ing your favorites, for this chal­lenge you need to read 100 dif­fer­ent books.

Can I log books that I read before the date I signed up for the challenge? No, for this chal­lenge, every­one starts from the point they sign up. But if you already started a book when you sign up for the challenge, you can count that book as your first book!

I started a book, but didn’t like it and don’t want to finish it. Can I still add it to my list? If you have given the book a genuine shot by reading at least 50% of it, then you can add it to your list. We don’t want to force you to read anything you’re not enjoying when there are so many other great books out there!

How do I get my prizes? Stop by the Adult Reference desk at the DeMott Lane Library or the service desks at either the Franklin Park or Lewis Street branches and tell the staff you’re here to get a prize from the 100 Books Before Graduation Challenge. 

What should I read? Any books that you normally like to read!  Novels, graphic novels, manga, nonfiction, and listening to audiobooks count too! The idea is just to get into the habit of reading for pleasure as part of your regular life.

Don’t worry, we know 100 books is a lot and we’re here to help! Check out the Teen Librarian’s many lists of all her favorite books or fill out this form to get personalized recommendations.

Can I add the books I need to read for school? Yes. We would encourage you to also read at least some books just for fun, but mandatory reading counts too. 

I read my 100 books and I still have time before the program ends to read another 100 books. Can I enter this program again? Wow, congratulations on reading 100 books! That is amazing! We’re thrilled that you want to participate again, but, due to limited prize supplies, you can only officially participate and be eligible for prizes one time. But keep reading!