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Art Class: The Tortoise and the Hare Collage

Collage is an art form that involves sticking bits of paper and other materials onto a backing to create a new, bigger picture. Small pieces become part of a bigger whole. Eric Carle (The Very Hungry Caterpillar) and Lois Ehlert (Waiting for Wings) use collage techniques for the artwork in their books. The wonderful thing about collage is that you can use whatever is handy to create the new picture.
Start a “scrap box” to save old envelopes, interesting pages from ads or newspapers, outdated maps that the family no longer needs, pages from an old coloring book, old school papers, old greeting cards that no one wants, bits of colored paper left over from other projects, scrapbook paper, origami paper, old posters – what else can you find? Remember to ask permission before using anything for collage, just in case it’s important to someone else!
You can assemble the bits of paper on the page however you like, but try using a coloring page as your background and fill in the parts of the picture with torn or cut pieces of paper from your scrap box! We used the Tortoise and the Hare from the well-known fable of that name.

You will have more room for creativity if you make the picture larger before printing, but smaller ones are perfect for making tiny mosaics.

Tip: When working with tiny bits of paper, put the glue on the paper first and then tear and stick the tiny bits on top.

Tip: For added dimension, use glitter, rice, string or yarn, etc.

What you need:
• Your scrap box or assorted bits of paper
• Glue stick
• One or both coloring pages (see below)
• Optional: Scissors, black marker

What you do:
• Print the coloring pages below.
(To print: Right click, then copy and paste into a word processor or Google Docs and print)
• Tear the bits of paper into assorted shapes and sizes then glue into the design. For smoother edges, cut with scissors instead of tearing.
• Use the black marker to help define the different sections, add new sections if desired, or just fill in the entire image in any way that pleases you and then outline the entire image with the marker.

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